Bitumen AC-10 AC-20 AC-30 AC-40

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Bitumen AC10, AC20, and AC30 are different penetration-grade bitumens, commonly used in road construction and asphalt applications. The numbers in AC grades refer to the penetration value, which is a measure of the hardness or consistency of the bitumen. The penetration value is the depth in tenths of a millimeter that a standard needle penetrates into the bitumen sample under specific conditions.

Bitumen AC10

Penetration Grade: AC10 typically has a penetration value ranging from 80 to 100.
Use: It is commonly used in areas with lower temperatures or in the construction of lightly trafficked roads.

Bitumen AC20

Penetration Grade: AC20 usually has a penetration value ranging from 60 to 80.
Use: It is suitable for regions with moderate temperatures and is commonly used in the construction of roads that experience moderate traffic.

Bitumen AC30

Penetration Grade: AC30 has a lower penetration value, often less than 60.

Use: It is employed in areas with higher temperatures and heavy traffic loads. It provides a more durable and resistant asphalt mix.



  • Consistency: The primary difference lies in the consistency or hardness of the bitumen. AC10 is softer than AC20, and AC30 is harder than both AC10 and AC20.
  • Temperature Suitability: AC10 is suitable for lower temperatures, AC20 for moderate temperatures, and AC30 for higher temperatures.
  • Traffic Load: Higher penetration-grade bitumens like AC30 are often used in areas with heavy traffic loads due to their enhanced durability and resistance.
  • Climate Considerations: The choice between AC10, AC20, or AC30 can also depend on the local climate conditions and the expected temperature variations.


It’s important to note that the selection of bitumen grade depends on various factors including climate, traffic conditions, and the type of construction project. Consulting with a civil engineer or asphalt expert based on the specific project requirements is recommended for accurate decision-making.

Bitumen AC

Bitumen AC grades, Standard Viscosity Bitumen , in which the Viscosity of the standard bitumen (asphalt) is measured at 60 degrees C (140 degrees F). It is usually used as a Paving Grade Bitumen suitable for road construction and for the production of asphalt pavements with superior properties. This grade of Bitumen is mainly used in the manufacture of hot mix asphalt for bases and wearing courses, and possesses characteristics and qualities unique sand quite different from other agents. They achieve very flexible and tenacious connections with other materials due mainly to viscoelastic response of bitumen, which behavior depends on how fast charges are applied.

Standard Viscosity Grade Bitumen Binders include:

Viscosity Grade Bitumen AC-2.5

Viscosity Grade Bitumen AC-5

Viscosity Grade Bitumen AC-10

Viscosity Grade Bitumen AC-20

Viscosity Grade Bitumen AC-30

Viscosity Grade Bitumen AC-40

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