HS code of Gilsonite

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hs cod of gilsonite

HS code harmonised custom code for gilsonite

HS code of Gilsonite describe Coding System (HS) is an international standard maintained by the World Customs Organization (WCO) that classifies traded products. Items are identified by a 6-digit harmonized number that is recognized by countries that have adopted the harmonized system.

Gilsonite HS code is 27149000

Gilsonite in various form in powder or lump has the same HS code.

It’s essential to note that this code is a general classification for other bituminous mixtures, and the specific code for Gilsonite may vary based on its intended use and processing.

To obtain the most accurate and up-to-date HS code for Gilsonite, it’s recommended to consult the official Harmonized System nomenclature or contact the customs authorities in the country of import/export. Additionally, the exporter or manufacturer of Gilsonite should be able to provide the correct HS code for their specific product

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