Manufacturer of cutback bitumen MC70 liquid


Bitumen MC70 liquid solvent base

Bitumen MC70 products have been used many years in the maintenance and repair of road surfaces, and isolation but road surface is  used much more widely than the other usage and named liquid asphalt MC70, commonly called \”asphalt medium curing\” or \”tack oil\” (which has carried the commercial designations: MC70)

Road surface by MC70

However, tack oil bitumen MC70 has many shortcomings making it less than an effective road surface repair product.In repairing pot holes or filling cracks in existing asphalt road surfaces, tack oil is strictly a \”gluing\” process or a \”tacking\” of new asphalt to the old. There is no homogeneous admixture of the new with the old asphalt.

How to use MC70 in roads.

Weather and climate conditions must be near \”perfect\” for the application of tack oil, which at best allows for only a minimal time until replacement again is necessitated. Tack oil cannot be used in cold or wet weather or on wet surfaces. Also, tack oil repair of road surfaces requires a multiple highway crew to apply the asphalt and the use of expensive equipment. The bitumen MC70 must be pre-heated to 250 degrees F for 2-3 hours before application, then applied and the overlaying asphalt rolled or tamped in place to form a smooth surface.

MC70 bitumen using in Airport,Highway and helipads

Alternatively, a top dressing can be applied to provide a flexible, tough, abrasion-resistant surface. The resultant surface functions as a wear course in which a further increase in the compressive and tensile strengths of the base course have been increased. Colors, such as green or black, may be added to the top dressing to yield an appearance which is aesthetically pleasing or functional. After curing the bitumen, the dressing forms a surface suitable for moderate airport traffic, highway traffic, or helicopter touchdown areas.

Analysis and specification of bitumen MC70

PropertiesMinMaxTest Method
 Kinemalic 1 viscosity at 60°C, eSt70140ASTM D2170
 Flash Point (Tag Open-Cup),°C38ASTM D1310
 Distillate test 2 :   
 Distillate, percent by Volume of total 360°C
 To 190°C15ASTM D402
 To 225°C2060ASTM D402
 To 260°C6590ASTM D402
 To 316°C55sASTM D402
 Residue from distillation to 360°C:
 Test on residue from distillation Penetration at
25°C,100g, 5 sec.
 Ductility 3 at 25°C, cm120250ASTM D402 / ASTM D113
 Solubility in trichloroethylene, percent mass100ASTM D402 / ASTM D2024
 Water, percent volume0.2ASTM D95

Specification of Bitumen MC70

MSDS of Bitumen MC70

MSDS of Bitumen MC70

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