Bitumen VG-10 VG-20 VG-30 VG-40

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Viscosity Grade Bitumen

What is VG means in bitumen?

Viscosity Grade Bitumen VG-10 VG-20 VG-30 VG-40 (Asphalt) is a Bitumen grade mostly used as a Paving Grade and it’s suitable for road construction and for the asphalt pavements producing with premier attributes. VG Bitumen is usually used in the production of hot mix asphalt.

According to viscosity (degree of fluidity) grading, higher the grade, stiffer the Bitumen. Furthermore, VG Grade Bitumen can be done on original (as-supplied) asphalt binder samples (AC grading). Also aged residue samples (AR grading). AR viscosity test is based on viscosity of aged residue from rolling thin film oven test.

With AC grading, asphalt binder is specifying by properties it possesses before it undergoes HMA making flow. AR grading system is an attempt to simulate asphalt binder properties after it undergoes a typical HMA manufacturing process and thus, it should be more representative of how asphalt binder behaves in HMA pavements.

Difference between penetration grade bitumen and viscosity grade bitumen

The difference between penetration grade bitumen and viscosity grade bitumen VG-10 VG-20 VG-30 VG-40 is that the penetration grade classification is based on the Penetration value in 25 ?C, while VG system is based on Viscosity value in both 60 ?C and 135 ?C that shows it is suitable for both low and high temperature so the bitumen behavior in different thermal conditions can be predicted well.

First, the penetration of bitumen is measured at 25 ?C that is the average temperature, but the results of the test is not reliable in the hot weather, so they measure the viscosity of bitumen at 60 ?C and 135 ?C. The tests tell us that:

  • VG bitumen is suitable for a wide range of temperatures; 25 ?C for fatigue cracking and 135 ?C for construction, also temperature susceptibility can be determined
  • Less number of tests save time and costs; according to IS, it has only 7 tests while penetration has 14 tests.
  • Longer durability: the pavement made from VG Bitumen will have better performance because the Viscosity value at 135?C gives a sufficient idea about mixing and compaction temperature and as a result pavement life is improved.
  • Any two samples of the same VG bitumen would give similar rutting performance in hot summer unlike the penetration grade
  • The minimum specified kinematic viscosity value at 135 ?C helps to minimize the potential of tender mixes during construction
  • VG bitumen is suitable for areas with high traffic loads

Viscosity Grade Bitumen classification

Viscosity test on bitumen results the classification of bitumen in a range of grades, including Bitumen VG-10  VG-20  VG-30 VG-40. The higher the number, the harder the bitumen in the viscosity grading system.

Viscosity grade Standards

Viscosity Grade bitumen VG-10 VG-20 VG-30 VG-40 is determined by IS 73, ASTM and AASHTO. According to the IS, grading of Bitumen is changed from penetration grade to viscosity grade in 2006.

Usage of viscosity grade bitumen

Generally, each of these viscosity grade bitumen has different application according to the two important factors such as climate and traffic conditions.

The important use of VG bitumen is due to the existence of two important properties of this material which are water impermeability and high adhesion. It`s suitable for road construction and asphalt pavements production with great properties

Today, more than 250 different applications for VG bitumen have been considered that it seems to be impossible to replace them with other materials.

VG Bitumen mostly known as Paving Grade Bitumen. This grade mainly used in hot mix asphalt manufacture for bases, wearing courses, possesses specs and qualities unique sand. It`s quite different than other agents. They achieve very flexible and tenacious connections with other materials due mainly to viscoelastic response of bitumen, which behavior depends on how fast charges are uses. pub-ltd.’s VG is petroleum grade bitumen, manufactured from fractional / vacuum distillation of crude oil.

This type of bitumen is more reliable than others due to its advantages and properties.

Difference Grade of VG bitumen

GradeViscosity range at 60C (Absolute Viscosity)Typical Applications
VG-10 Bitumen800-1200

Recommended for road construction in cold regions

Ideal for spraying

Used in production of bitumen emulsion

VG-20 Bitumen1600-2400Used in cold regions for road construction
VG-30 Bitumen2400-3600Maximizes asphalt performance in hot regions A more reliable choice than bitumen pen 60/70
VG-40 bitumen3200-4000

Works in areas with high traffic loads

Well suited for road construction in hot weather

Packing product

According to your consideration of different factors, such as cost, logistics and environment, can provide you bitumen in various bitumen packing.

The economical case is jumbo bag, but you can choose new steel drums and bulk shipments.

What is vg 10 bitumen?

VG10 bitumen is the softest grade of viscosity bitumen. This type of bitumen is widely used for spraying applications and surface coating.

VG 10 bitumen means that your bitumen is also suitable for paving roads in a very cold climate instead of the old 80/100 penetration grade. The air temperature that matches VG10 bitumen ranges from -10 ?C to 25 ?C.

Due to the high temperatures in hot climatic zones, the application of VG10 cannot provide desirable rutting resistance.

This type of bitumen is also used to manufacture bitumen emulsions and modified bitumen products especially in India.

As a viscosity grade bitumen, VG10 has a better performance in cold weather

Application of Viscosity Grade 10 Bitumen?

It is suitable for temperature under 30 ?C

Its absolute viscosity is 800

It has a higher Penetration Value in comparison to VG30 and VG40

specification of  Vg-10

CharacteristicsViscosity Grade VG10
Absolute Viscosity 60 C, Poises, min800
Kinematic Viscosity, 135 C, CST, min250
Flash point, C, min220
Solubility in trichloroethylene, %, min99
Penetration Value of VG10, at 25 C80-100
Softening point, C, min40

What is VG20 Bitumen?

VG-20 bitumen is a grade of viscosity bitumen used in cold climatic and high-altitude regions. This grade of bitumen is suitable for road construction in regions with 30 to 37 °C average temperature.

In North India, vg20 is used for road construction in hot mix asphalt. The standard penetration value of bitumen viscosity grade VG-20 is 60 mm at 25 °C. The absolute viscosity of VG-20 bitumen is 1600 to 2400 poise at 60 °C.

specification of vg-20

CharacteristicsViscosity Grade VG20
Absolute Viscosity 60C, Poises, in1600
Kinematic Viscosity,135C, CST, min300
Flash point, C, min220
Solubility in trichloroethylene, %, min99
Penetration Value of VG20, at 25 C60-80
Softening point, C, min45

What is vg 30 bitumen?

This bitumen is primarily used for the construction of extra-heavy bitumen pavements that have to bear significant traffic loads. Bitumen VG30 is the most widely used type of bitumen in road construction, insulation, building construction industries, and also in the production of cutback bitumen. It’s better to know that this vg30 bitumen can be used instead of penetration bitumen 60/70 grade.

What does 30 means in VG 30 bitumen?

The correct option is B viscosity of bitumen at 60oC is between 2400 and 3600 Poise. Number 30 indicates the range of viscosity of bitumen {(100±20) ×30} in terms of poise i.e., in case of VG-30. Maximum viscosity, =120×30=3600 poise.

The difference between VG10 and VG30

The difference between VG10 and VG-30 bitumen is in their viscosity level. Bitumen VG30 is more viscose than bitumen VG 10 and as a result, performs better in road construction in hot regions. If you want to buy VG30 grade fill the Inquiry form.

Application of VG 30 Bitumen?

It is suitable for temperature above 30 ?C

For a clayed soil, bitumen with higher viscosity is more suitable

VG30 is more suitable for road construction in a rainy weather.

Specification of Vg 30

CharacteristicsViscosity Grade VG30
Absolute Viscosity 60 C, Poises, min2400
Kinematic Viscosity, 135 C, CST, min350
Flash point, C, min220
Solubility in trichloroethylene, %, min99
Penetration Value of VG30, at 25 C50-70
Softening point, C, min47

What is VG-40 grade bitumen?

Bitumen VG-40 combines the characteristic advantages of softer grades at low temperatures and of harder grades at high temperatures.

VG40 bitumen in the high viscosity of this bitumen, is used more to appropriate for improving resistance to shoving and other problems associated with higher temperatures and heavy traffic loads., such as intersections, near tolls booths, and truck parking lots. Bitumen VG-40 can be used in various asphalt mix designs and techniques which result in the manufacture of cohesive asphalt mixes suitable for any type of traffic.

It’s long time that industries use vg-40 instead of the penetration grade bitumen 40/50.

The difference between VG30 and VG40

The difference between vg30 and vg40 is that the vg 30 bitumen is suitable for mild weather and vg 40 bitumen is better to use in hot climate. If you need to consult before buying vg40 contact us.

Application of VG 40 Bitumen

It is suitable for a temperature above 40 ?C

Its absolute viscosity is 3200

It is a preferred type of bitumen when heavy traffic load is expected

The absolute vg-40 bitumen viscosity is 3200 and the kinematic vg-40 bitumen viscosity is 400.

 Specifications of vg 40 bitumen

CharacteristicsViscosity Grade VG40
Absolute Viscosity 60 C, CST, min3200
Kinematic Viscosity, 135 C, CST, min400
Flash point, C, min220
Solubility in trichloroethylene, %, min99
Penetration Value of VG40, at 25 C40-60
Softening point, C, min25
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