Bitumen price in Kenya,Uganda and Nigeria

Home » Bitumen price in Kenya,Uganda and Nigeria

Bitumen price in Kenya

Kenya bitumen needed to pass PVOC pre verification of conformity and it is 0.5% of cargo value FOB basis.Normally 100% of bitumen in Kenya provided by Iranian company and bitumen price in Kenya is directly get effect from Iran bitumen price.

Bitumen price in Uganda

Normally Bitumen price in Uganda is depend on Iran bitumen price and shipping cost from Iran to Daresalam and then from Daresalan to Uganda.It is really big cost which will add to the price but still there is good margin on.

Bitumen price is Nigeria

Bituemn price in Nigeria is expensive.It is very bad for a country who producing big quantity of crude oil but unfortunately due a lot of corruption and fraud in this country they are importing bitumen from overseas.So bitumen price is getting expesnive since from Middle East to Apapa port around 2000$! To get today last updated rate of bitumen please directly contact to Mr.Salar Sabbagh on 00905551701545(whatsup)
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